Bring Your Own Improv
Bring Your Own Improv
Bring Your Own Improv’s shows have been delighting audiences for over a decade here at the WCFA, and their Family Friendly Comedy show is fun for everyone at 8 PM!
If you’re looking for something fun to do late on a Friday night in Warwick, they’ve got you covered. Their Caffeinated Insomniacs Comedy show – designed for teens and adults – is the place to be at 10 PM.
Their show welcomes voluntary audience participation. You can participate in one of three ways: applaud for a scene you like, yell out fantastic suggestions, or if you feel you’re ready, jump up and get involved with us on stage! Whether you like to sit back or get up on stage, Bring Your Own Improv is a fun night out for all.
“Everyone can act. Everyone can improvise.“
-Viola Spolin, creator of modern improv

Teen Improv Workshops
Cost: $245 for non-members / $195 for WCFA Members
Bring Your Own Improv and the Warwick Center for the Arts have a common interest in educating youth. It is with that in mind that BYOI created a program in 2014 for teens, to teach them improv as well as self-confidence and problem-solving skills, which we call the BYOI Youth Collective.
For each two-month session, youth will take one month of classes followed immediately by one month of shows. This two-month workshop may be repeated as many times as the youth would like until they age out. Each workshop group will be evaluated on their skills in the first class and that will determine the level of skills they will learn in that session.